Outlook No Longer Accepting Password (Windows)


Whenever I open Outlook, I am prompted to enter my username and password.


  • Windows 10
    • Outlook 2016
    • Outlook 2019


This can happen either when the account credentials are not stored by Outlook, or if a security feature has been enabled that always prompts for logon credentials.


  1. Enter your credentials.
  2. If the logon prompt has a box below the password field to Remember Password, click it to place a checkmark in the box. Click OK.
  3. If there is no box:
    1. Click OK to login.
    2. Click File.
    3. Click Account Settings.
    4. Select Account Settings ... .
    5. Select the affected account.
    6. Click Change ... .
    7. Click More Settings ... .
    8. Click Security.
    9. Uncheck Always prompt for logon credentials.
    10. Click OK.
    11. Click Next > .
    12. Click Finish.
    13. Click Close.
  4. You should no longer be prompted to enter in your credentials. If this doesn't work, proceed to the steps below:
    1. Quit Outlook.
    2. Click .
    3. Begin typing Control Panel and select it.
    4. Select Credential Manager.
    5. Select Windows Credentials.
    6. Locate the credential(s) that begin with:
      • MicrosoftOffice
      • MS.Outlook
    7. Click to expand the settings for the stored credential(s).
    8. For unrecognized accounts and one no longer used in Outlook, click Remove.
    9. Click Yes.
    10. Open Outlook.
    11. Enter the account Username (NetID) and password.
    12. Check the Remember my credentials box.
    13. Click OK.
    14. The proper Windows Credentials will now be stored for the Exchange account.
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Article ID: 1209
Mon 3/9/15 10:16 AM
Thu 9/14/23 12:12 PM