Reconciling Grades in Blackboard


When I go to my grade center in Blackboard, there is a blue circle with a +/- in it. 


  • Blackboard
    • Grade Center


The professor has enabled delegated grading. The professor may have a TA grading the student's assignments. 


  1. Click the downward chevron  next to the grading column in question. 
  2. Click Reconcile Grades
  3. The grades the TA has submitted will be listed.
  4. On the right of the page, the instructor of the course may click on the grade entered in by the TA if it is an agreed upon grade to submit it.
  5. If the instructor does not agree with the grade the TA entered, they can type in a new grade to override the TA grade.
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Article ID: 3227
Tue 2/26/19 2:43 PM
Thu 2/28/19 7:48 AM