Enable Zoom Waiting Room For Existing Meetings


How do I enable a Zoom Waiting Room for existing meetings?


  • Zoom


Web Browser

  1. Navigate to zoom.wku.us and sign in.
  2. Go to the Meetings tab on the left to see your scheduled meetings. 
  3. Make sure you are seeing the Upcoming Meetings section.
  4. Click on the meeting name. 
  5. Scroll down and click Edit this meeting.
  6. Under Meeting Options, click the checkmark next to Enable Waiting Room.
  7. Click Save. A green checkmark next to Enable Waiting Room indicates it is enabled. 

Zoom Desktop Client

  1. Open the Zoom Desktop Client and sign in. 
  2. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the window. 
  3. Find the meeting you want to edit on the left hand side and click it. 
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Under Advanced Options, click the checkmark next to Enable Waiting Room.
  6. Click Save. Your meeting is now updated. 


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Article ID: 3539
Fri 4/3/20 1:40 PM
Thu 6/16/22 10:08 AM