Retrieving Zoom Poll Results


How do I retrieve Zoom poll results?


  • Zoom


  1. Sign into the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the left menu, select Reports.
  3. Click Meeting
  4. In the Report Type field, choose Poll Report.
  5. In the drop-down menu below Report Type, select one of these options:
    • Search by time range: Select a time range then click Search.
    • Search by meeting ID: Enter the meeting ID and click Search.
  6. Click Generate next to the meeting for which you want to obtain results. 
  7. The Report Queue tab will open automatically. Click Download next to the meeting for which you want to obtain results. 
  8. Choose where to save the file and click OK. When you open it, the file will open with your computer's default spreadsheet program (i.e. Excel, Numbers etc.)
    • If registration was turned on and the poll was not anonymous, it will list the participants' names and email addresses.
    • If registration was not on, it will show the results, but list the users as Guest.
    • If the poll was anonymous, it will show anonymous for the participants' names and email addresses.
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Article ID: 3559
Tue 4/14/20 11:51 AM
Thu 6/16/22 10:20 AM