Sharing Booking Page and Meeting Types (Bookings With Me)


How can I share my booking page or specific meeting type?


  • Microsoft Bookings With Me


Sharing your Entire Public Booking Page

  1. Go to your booking page here.
  2. Click Share.
  3. Select how you would like to share your booking page.
    • Share via Copy link.
    • Share via email allows you to send an email that links directly to your bookings page.  
      Note: Person who receives the email will either need to log in with their WKU email or continue as guest.
    • Add to email signature will allow you to edit existing signatures.  
      Note: Ensure "Include a link to my bookings page in my signature" is checked or this will only edit your signature.

Sharing Specific Meeting Types

On your booking page, click the  icon next to the meeting type and select Copy Link. This will copy a link to your clipboard so you can give it to someone instantly.
Note: The only way to get access to an individuals private meetings is to have it shared with you. If you cannot view a specific private meeting, that is because it has not been shared correctly. You will need to get the proper link from that individual.

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Article ID: 4006
Tue 2/7/23 10:58 AM
Thu 10/26/23 2:42 PM