Changing Blackboard Ultra Exam from Standard Grading to Extra Credit


How do I make a past exam on Blackboard Ultra worth extra credit?


  • Blackboard
    • Ultra View Courses


Students have completed an exam in a Blackboard Ultra course, but the instructor would like to change the exam to be extra credit rather than a normal grade. 


  1. Log into Blackboard. 
  2. Navigate to appropriate course. 
  3. Locate exam you wish to make extra credit, and open exam to edit options. 
  4. For each question you wish to make extra credit, click the points value for the question, and then click the box to make it extra credit.
    Note: You can do this for all questions, if you would like, to make the entire exam extra credit. You may also adjust points value for the question, if desired. 
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Article ID: 4136
Thu 3/28/24 12:01 PM
Fri 4/5/24 9:09 AM