Unexpected Shutdown


My computer shutdown unexpectedly. When restarting it, I got the following error:

Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown.


There are a variety of possibilities for Windows to shutdown without warning. Unexpected shutdowns can occur sporadically and often are not a concern. However, if unexpected shutdowns occur frequently, it can be indicative of a major issue, either with a hardware component, such as the RAM or hard drive, or with software.


  1. Restart the computer.
  2. If prompted, choose to Start Windows Normally.
  3. If Windows behaves normally, the issue was most likely a fluke.
  4. If Windows continues to be problematic, a hardware diagnostic will be needed. Please contact the ITS Service Desk or submit a service request by clicking the Request Service button.
Request Service Print Article


Article ID: 872
Fri 10/31/14 10:52 AM
Fri 7/7/23 2:29 PM

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