Making a Mediasite Recording Downloadable


Instructions for making your own Mediasite recordings downloadable as either standalone mp4 videos or full-featured Publish to Go presentations.



How do I make my recordings from Mediasite downloadable?


 Note: Recordings must be downloaded within the myMediasite portal.

To make a recording as a Video Podcast:

  1. Click the recording tile you want to download.
  2. Click Edit Details.
  3. Click Delivery.
  4. Click the check box next to Vodcast option.
  5. Click on Select a Vodcast Project.
  6. Select Vodcast at 2.5Mbps from the drop-down menu.
  7. The Mediasite server will then begin the process of creating a Video Vodcast option of the recording.  Depending on the server usage, this process may take up to 30 minutes.

 Note: When creating and executing the download option of a Video Podcast recording, a single MP4 recording is created and placed onto your computer. The MP4 can then be viewed locally and/or offline.



Article ID: 2094
Thu 4/14/16 4:20 PM
Thu 2/15/24 10:44 AM

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