Uploading Large Videos


Information on how to incorporate large video files in a Blackboard course.



I can't upload my video file to Blackboard. My connection to Blackboard may time out, or the submission page will not load after clicking Submit.


Video files can be very large depending on how the video was captured. Blackboard's file size upload limit is 50MB. Larger files can take a very long time to upload to Blackboard, and isn't always the most practical way to share videos. From a home Internet connection, uploading files generally takes about 10 times as long as it would to download them. 


If you are encountering problems uploading a video file to Blackboard, ask your instructor if they are willing to allow students to use alternate resources such as WKU's Mediasite system or third-party systems such as YouTube. These systems are designed for uploading videos from home internet connections, and may be a more practical alternative to uploading a large video file directly to Blackboard.

Note: YouTube is not supported by WKU IT.





Article ID: 340
Fri 8/8/14 11:45 AM
Wed 9/28/22 9:05 AM

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