Copying Content in Blackboard Ultra Courses


Instructions for completing a Course Copy with Blackboard Ultra courses.



How do I complete a Blackboard Ultra Course Site copy?


  • Blackboard
    • Ultra Course Sites


Copying Blackboard Ultra courses is not completed in the same way that Blackboard Original course sites were copied. You may only copy content from one Blackboard Ultra course to another Ultra course or from a Blackboard Original course to an Ultra course; you cannot copy content from an Ultra course to an Original course. 


  1. Navigate to the Blackboard Ultra site that you want to copy content into. Do not start in the course you want to copy from.
  2. Click Add Content or in the Course Content section. 
  3. Click Copy Content from the menu. A side panel listing all of your courses will appear.
    Note: You may also toggle the list to search through your Blackboard Organizations, as well. 
  4. You can check the box for a course and copy everything, or you can select specific items by clicking the arrow to the right of the listed course you wish to copy from. 
  5. Once you have made your selections, click Start Content button at the bottom of the panel. 
  6. You will not receive an email indicating when this process is done, but you should see updates inside the course site once the action is complete. Depending on the amount and size of material you are copying this process may take a few minutes. 



Article ID: 3929
Wed 4/13/22 2:58 PM
Tue 2/11/25 5:19 PM