Setting Up or Changing Overall Grades in Blackboard Ultra Gradebooks


Instructions for setting up or changing Overall Grades in Blackboard Ultra Gradebooks.



How do I set up Overall Grade views like percentages in a Blackboard Ultra Gradebook?


  • Blackboard
    • Ultra View Course Sites


  1. Log into Blackboard
  2. Navigate to course in question. 
  3. Click Gradebook tab. 
  4. Click gear to right of Gradebook, under Student Preview setting. 
  5. Navigate to Overall Grade section, clicking Manage overall grade settings
  6. You will be shown the various calculation and assignment types. You can configure settings for straight points or weighted totals, as desired. 
  7. Option Select how the overall grade is presented is on the right; you can select Percentage from the dropdown menu. You may optionally elect to have this visible to students when they check their grades. 
  8. Click Save
  9. Either close window and return to Gradebook and select to view by students to see percentages, or click Grades  button in the upper-right of the screen after clicking save. Percentages update as student work is graded based upon your configuration of the overall grade in the previous steps. 
    Note: You may repeat these steps at any time to change the Overall Grade view from one view (such as percentage or letter grade) to another.



Article ID: 4039
Wed 7/26/23 12:14 PM
Wed 10/25/23 3:36 PM