Updating Address/Phone Number


Instructions on how to update your address/phone number in TopNet (Banner).



How do I update my address/phone number on TopNet (Banner)?


Home Address and/or Home Phone

  1. Log in to TopNet.
  2. Click Continue Login.
  3. Click Personal Information.
  4. Click View / Update Address(es) and Phone(s).
  5. Click Current: under Mailing/Permanent.
  6. Enter in mailing address and phone number information.
  7. Click Submit Request to Update Address.

 Note: Addresses do not update automatically. It can take up to 8 hours to process an address change.

Cell Phone

If you have a cell phone number you want on file different than the home phone entered above, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to TopNet.
  2. Click Continue Login.
  3. Click Personal Information.
  4. Click View / Update Cell Phone Messaging Notification
  5. Click Add University Communication number.
  6. Enter Cell Phone Area Code.
  7. Enter Cell Phone Number.
  8. Choose your Text Authorization preference.
  9. Click Submit.



Article ID: 412
Mon 8/18/14 8:43 AM
Tue 7/19/22 5:44 PM

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