Adding Blackboard Calendar to iOS Calendar


How do I add my Blackboard calendar to my iOS stock calendar? 


  • iOS
    • Blackboard


Note: Due to a bug in the current version of Blackboard, items will not be updated on external calendars unless the link is re-generated and the calendars are re-added to the external calendar program. Until this issue is resolved, the external program will only display a one-time snapshot of the calendar. We strongly caution students against relying on an external calendar program, as changes in due dates may not be reflected.

  1. On your iOS device, log into Blackboard.
  2. From the Tools menu on the left, select Calendar
  3. Under the Calendars list, click Get External Calendar Link.
  4. Click the re-generate button.
  5. Copy the iCal URL that is shown. 
  6. On your iOS device, open Settings
  7. Choose Calendar.
  8. Choose Accounts
  9. Choose Add Account
  10. Choose Other
  11. Choose Add Subscribed Calendar
  12. In the Server field, paste the URL you retrieved from Blackboard. 
  13. Tap Next
  14. Leave fields as they are pre-configured. Optionally, update the Description to something more descriptive.
  15. Tap Save.
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Article ID: 2547
Fri 2/3/17 10:53 AM
Fri 7/12/19 7:03 AM