Connecting to WKU-SECURE (Windows 10)


How do I register my computer for internet access so I do not have to login when I am on campus?


  • Windows 10


 Note: Once joined to WKU-SECURE, your device will automatically connect whenever you are on WKU's campus for the next 90 days. At the end of that period you have to delete WKU-SECURE and re-join the network for another 90-day period.

  1. From the desktop, click the network icon.
  2. Select WKU-SECURE.
  3. Ensure Connect automatically is check-marked.
  4. Select Connect.
  5. Enter your NetID and password.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Select Connect.
  8. If it does not happen automatically, open your web browser and direct it to a non-WKU page. You will be redirected to accept WKU-SECURE's terms of agreement.
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Article ID: 3154
Wed 10/31/18 9:49 AM
Wed 6/29/22 9:21 AM

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