Finding MAC Address (iOS)


How do I find the MAC address of my iPhone and/or iPad?


  • iOS


Devices running on iOS 14 or later can use a feature called Private Address. This feature allows the device to use a unique network address for each Wi-Fi network it joins. If the Private Address is disabled, the device's Primary MAC address will be shown. It's recommended that you use Private MAC address when having issues on the WKU network.

Private MAC Address:

  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Tap Wi-Fi.
  3. Tap the icon next to the network that you are connected to.
  4. Your Private MAC Address is listed under Wi-Fi Address.

Primary MAC Address:

  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Tap General.
  3. Tap About.
  4. Your MAC Address is listed under Wi-Fi Address.
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Article ID: 3261
Fri 4/5/19 2:49 PM
Fri 4/28/23 12:22 PM