Scheduling a Recurring Zoom Meeting with Outlook


How do I schedule a recurring Zoom Meeting with Outlook?


  • Zoom
  • MacOS
  • Windows


Starting in June 2020, Microsoft will be blocking injection-based plugins from running in Outlook for macOS, and will only be allowing add-ins available through the Microsoft store. WKU ITS recommends macOS users needing to schedule Zoom meetings through Outlook do so by logging in via the Outlook Web Application and utilizing the OWA Zoom Add-In.

Note: You must have Outlook desktop installed on your computer to use this method.  

  1. Open your Zoom client and sign into Zoom.
  2. Click the Schedule icon.
  3. Select your meeting settings. Learn more about Zoom Meeting Options here. 
    Recurring meetings cannot be scheduled with your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) since your PMI is reserved so that you can start or schedule a meeting at anytime.
  4. Check the Recurring meeting option.
  5. Once you click Save the Outlook meeting window will open with your Zoom meeting information. 
  6. Click Make Recurring to change the recurrence pattern, then click OK.
  7. Finalize your meeting options and click Send to schedule your recurring Zoom meeting.
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Article ID: 3466
Thu 3/12/20 9:14 AM
Thu 2/16/23 10:56 AM