Finding the Creation Status of Requested Site


Information about checking the status of the creation of an Omni CMS site you have requested.



How do I check the creation status of my requested site?


You must be the Main Site Contact to follow the steps below. If you are not the Main Site Contact for the requested site, please contact the ITS Service Desk.

  1. Log into Omni CMS Add-Ons.
  2. Select Sites.
  3. Go to View your sites.
  4. You can view the status of your requested sites here. If you do not see the site you are looking for, either the request process was not successfully completed or another person was set as the Main Site Contact for the site.
  5. Possible Statuses:
    1. Not yet Submitted! - The site still needs to be submitted. Click on the (Edit) icon to review your submission and submit your request.
    2. Sent for Approval - The site has been sent to Public Affairs for approval. If you have any questions, please email
    3. Awaiting Creation - The site has been approved by Public Affairs and IT is in the process of creating your site.
    4. Created - Your site has been created. You should be able to access your site for editing through Omni CMS, as long as you have completed training. If you have not completed training, refer to the relate article Enrolling in Omni CMS Training for more information.



Article ID: 1872
Tue 11/3/15 9:22 AM
Thu 10/26/23 2:59 PM

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