Enrolling in Omni CMS Training


How do I enroll into Omni CMS training?


The ITS Unit offers online Omni CMS training through Blackboard.


 Note: In order to gain access to Omni CMS you must complete training.

Online Training

  1. Log into Blackboard.
  2. Click My WKU BB in the side bar.
  3. Click the ITS: Omni CMS (formerly OU Campus) Training module header link.
  4. You are now enrolled in Omni CMS training.
This course is self-paced. You should plan for two hours of uninterrupted time to complete the course; however, you may exit and enter the course as many times as you like while completing the training.
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Article ID: 691
Fri 9/26/14 12:55 PM
Wed 1/19/22 7:38 AM

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Instructions on how to check out and check in pages in Omni CMS.
Information about still not being able to access Omni CMS, or cannot access content in Omni CMS after completing training.
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