WKU Systems

Articles about WKU systems. (e.g., Blackboard, Library, TopNet, myWKU, Banner, Omni CMS, iWKU app etc.)

Categories (22)

Active Directory

Articles about the WKU Active Directory (AD) system.


Articles about WKU application streaming services ( https://appstream.wku.edu/ ).


Articles about the WKU Banner system ( https://banner.wku.edu ).


Articles about the WKU Blackboard system ( https://wku.blackboard.com).

Cisco Secure Client VPN

Articles about the WKU Cisco Secure Client VPN system.

Client Portal (TeamDynamix)

Articles about to the ITS Client Portal (TeamDynamix).


Articles about the CPDOnline Blackboard system (https://wku.blackboard.com/).

Digital Signage

Articles about the Digital Signage system.


Articles about the Duo authentication system ( https://www.wku.edu/its/duo/ ).

E-Signature Forms

Articles about the WKU E-Signature forms system ( https://intranet.wku.edu/php/prod/wkuforms/sour... ) .

Google Workspace for Education

Articles about the Google Workspace for Education systems at WKU (formerly G Suite).


Articles about the InfoView reporting system.

Interview Exchange

Articles about the Interview Exchange system. (https://sso.interviewexchange.com/)

iWKU App

Articles about the iWKU app for mobile devices.

Library Systems

Articles about the WKU Library systems (e.g., One-Search Library Catalog, ILL, TIPASA).


Articles about Mediasite lecture capture system. ( https://mediasite.wku.edu/mediasite/mymediasite )


Articles about the myWKU system ( https://my.wku.edu ).

Omni CMS

Articles about Omni CMS.

People Space Server

Articles about the People Space Server ( https://www.wku.edu/its/websites/ ).


Articles about the Qualtrics system ( https://www.wku.edu/it/survey/ ).


Articles about the WKU TopNet system ( https://topnet.wku.edu ).

WKU Blog Site

Articles about WKU Blog Site (https://blog.wku.edu/)

Articles (12)

Accessing Online Course Evaluations (SITE)

Instructions for students and faculty to access course evaluations and results.

Accessing Web Apps via SFTP

Instructions on how to access a Web Apps folder via SFTP

Accessing WKU Study Board

Information regarding WKU Study Board, supported by Sona Systems.

Adding a User to an Authorize.Net Payment Account

Information regarding adding new user accounts to an Authorize.Net payment account.

Gaining Access to MOA (Memoranda of Agreement) System

Information about requesting access to the MOA (Memoranda of Agreement) System.

Gaining Access to Next-of-Kin Search

Information for the WKU Police Department on how to get access to the Next-of-Kin database.

Issues with ADX Server

Information about getting support for the ADX server.

Issues with TutorTrac

Information about getting support for TutorTrac.

Locked Out Of Unimarket

Instructions on what to do when you get this error message when logging into TopShop: "Single Sign-On Error. Single-On request to Unimarket failed. Account Locked."

Logging into CourseLeaf

Instructions on logging into CourseLeaf.

Requesting a Web Apps Folder

Instructions for requesting space on the Web Apps server

WKU Payment Acceptance Services

Information about Authoirze.Net and having accounts created or requesting assistance for Authorize.Net problems.