Articles about the Qualtrics system ( ).

Articles (10)

Adding a Calendar Style DatePicker Input

Instructions to add a calendar style datepicker input to a Qualtrics survey.

Adding Collaborators to Surveys

Instructions to share a Qualtrics survey with another individual.

Attaching Files

Instructions on attaching files to Qualtrics survey.

Converting a Qualtrics Trial Account to a WKU Branded Account

Information about converting a Qualtrics trial account to a WKU account.

Image Too Large

Instructions for changing the size of an image uploaded to a Qualtrics survey.

Issues with Qualtrics

Information on what to do if you need assistance with Qualtrics.

Qualtrics Information

Information about the Qualtrics survey software.

Resetting Qualtrics Password

Instructions for resetting a Qualtrics password.

Signing-Up For Qualtrics

Instructions for creating a Qualtrics account.

Using the WKU Theme on a Qualtrics Survey

Instructions for applying the WKU look and feel to Qualtrics surveys.