Converting a Qualtrics Trial Account to a WKU Branded Account


I signed up for a free trial account at Qualtrics. How do I get my account converted to WKU?


Client signed up for their account at the main Qualtrics site instead of using the WKU registration mechanism. 


1. Go to Qualtrics to access your account.
2. Change the email address associated with this account to something other than your WKU email address.
3. Sign in here to create a new account using your WKU email address.

WKU Brand Administrators cannot move existing surveys from free trial accounts to a WKU Brand account. You will need to open a support ticket at the Qualtrics Support Center and ask that your survey be moved to the WKU brand. This can be completed here.
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Article ID: 3373
Tue 9/3/19 3:04 PM
Wed 9/1/21 3:22 PM

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