Articles about Mediasite lecture capture system. ( )
Instructions on accessing MediaSite from Blackboard.
Instructions for adding a Mediasite presentation to a Blackboard Course Site.
Information regarding extending the length of a recorded Mediasite video.
Instructions for adding slides to Mediasite presentation.
Instructions for checking your Mediasite quota.
Instructions on how to create a Mediasite channel.
Instructions for the Mediasite message "desktop recording is being processed."
Instructions for downloading a Mediasite video.
Instructions for how to edit a Mediasite presentation.
Information regarding when installing the Mediasite Desktop Recorder, Error 1925 is displayed saying that the current user does not have the privileges needed to install the software.
Instructions on what to do if your video is stuck in a queued status in Mediasite.
Instructions on registering the Mediasite Desktop Recorder after installing it.
Instructions for making your own Mediasite recordings downloadable as either standalone mp4 videos or full-featured Publish to Go presentations.
Instructions for instructors to share a Mediasite recording on a website or with people not affiliated with WKU.
Information about Mediasite crashing on macOS computers when trying to record.
Instructions for fixing Mediasite links that redirect in Blackboard.
Allowing Mediasite Mosaic rights to record your screen on macOS devices.
Information on what to do if you have reached your Mediasite quota and are unable to create new presentations.
Instructions on what to do when you receive the "Address not understood" error in Firefox when using Mediasite.
Instructions on what to do when you receive the error "Mediasite Player: The requested presentation is currently unavailable. Please try again later. Contact the system administrator if the problem persists." when trying to view a Mediasite presentation from a URL.
Information about recording a collaborative (more than one presenter) video presentation in Mediasite.
Instructions on how to delete a Mediasite presentation.
Information about obtaining assistance with Mediasite.
Information about capturing a single frame of a Mediasite presentation.
Instructions for on how to share Mediasite recordings.
Information about what to do if you are having issues with your webcam when recording through Mediasite.
Instructions on how to upload a video recorded outside of the Desktop Recorder to Mediasite.
Instructions for instructors on how to upload videos into MediaSite.
Information on the viewing requirements for Mediasite.
Information as to why the webcam video is hidden while screencasts are being recorded.
Instructions for enabling Google Chrome to play Mediasite recordings when the error "Your playback ticket is not valid for this session" is displayed as an error message.