Articles about the WKU Banner system ( ).

Categories (1)


Articles about Banner accounts.

Articles (12)

Accessing Banner Forms

Instructions on how to access forms in Banner.

Accessing Banner from Off Campus

Information about accessing Banner from off of WKU's campus.

Adding and Removing Codes in SGASADD

Information on how to add and delete Cohort or Student Attribute codes in Banner SGASADD screen.

Adding or Deleting Activity Code on SGSTDN Screen

Information on how to add and delete Activity codes in Banner SGASTDN screen.

Banner Finance Reports Prompting for Credentials

Banner Finance Reports is persistently asking for credentials when trying to run a finance report.

Changing Purchase or Budget Approval Queue

Instructions for modifying Banner purchase and budget approvals.

Gaining or Removing Access to Slate

Information about gaining or removing access to Slate.

Lifting or Deleting Holds on SOAHOLD Screen

Information on how to lift or delete a Hold on Banner SOAHOLD screen.

Logging into Banner

Instructions for logging into Banner.

Open INB AX Bridge Error

Information about Chrome prompting to Open INB AX Bridge when connecting to Banner Document Imaging.

Receiving Not a Valid Professor Error

Instructions for receiving Not a Valid Professor when updating Instructor of Record on Banner.

Receiving User Is Not Authorized to Post With Entered Rule Class Error

Instructions for workaround for FGAJVCQ journal voucher error code.