Managing Access Lists for a Site


How to review and manage who has access to a site in Omni CMS



How do I review and manage who has access to a site?


  • Omni CMS
    • OU Add-Ons


 Note: Only the Main Site Contact (MSC) for a site has the ability to review and manage a site's access list. To find the MSC for a site, please refer to the related articles section.

 Note: Changes made to the Omni CMS access list (add/remove) may not immediately be reflected. However, you will receive a notification when the change has been completed.

  1. Log into OU Add-Ons.
  2. Click the Sites link from the options listed
  3. Click the View your sites link
  4. In the Sites You Have Access To table, find the site for which you'd like to review its access list and click the corresponding folded paper icon (  ), under the Action column
  5. Click the Users tab, this will show all users and their corresponding access across the selected site
  6. To make changes to the access list (add/remove users):
    1. Click the Administration tab
    2. Click the Modify Users link
    3. To remove a user's access click the Delete User (red X icon) next to the user's entry under the appropriate access list
    4. To add a user to the access list, click the Add User link near the top of the page
      1. Fill out the form as desired and click the Add User button



Article ID: 2553
Wed 2/8/17 3:16 PM
Fri 4/23/21 4:54 PM

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