Adding/Remove Rights to Edit a Page


How do I allow/restrict access to a Web CMS web page?


Each site will still require a Main Site Contact (MSC) be associated to it. The MSC is the person considered to be in charge of the site, he/she is responsible for administrative requests regarding the site, such as adding/removing users from the site access lists; they are the person ITS and Web Services will contact with any questions, should anything come up.

Note: Only the Main Site Contact can follow these steps. Refer to this article on how to find the Main Site Contact.

  1. Log into Add-Ons.
  2. Choose Sites.
  3. Select View your sites.
  4. Click the Action option next to the appropriate site.
  5. Choose the Administration tab.
  6. Select Modify Users.
  7. You may add access by choosing Add User or remove by clicking the X (delete) action button beside the individual.
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