Search50 Results

Instructions for how to edit a Mediasite presentation.
Information about Mediasite crashing on macOS computers when trying to record.
Information about obtaining assistance with Mediasite.
Instructions for fixing Mediasite links that redirect in Blackboard.
Instructions for a Main Site Contact on giving someone rights to edit an Omni CMS page.
Instructions for downloading a Mediasite video.
Information regarding extending the length of a recorded Mediasite video.
Information about not being able to publish pages in Omni CMS.
Instructions on how to request a WKU site.
Information about requesting publisher integration into Blackboard Course Sites.
Instructions on how to upload to your WKU People Server space.
Information and instructions for troubleshooting instructor-level access to Blackboard courses.
Information about requesting CPD Blackboard Course Sites.
Instructions on how to add any of the available Snippets to Omni CMS: accordions, alerts, cards, columns, countdowns, lists, maps, modals, social media, tabs, timeline, YouTube.
Directions to find broken links on pages in Omni CMS.