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Instructions for a Main Site Contact on giving someone rights to edit an Omni CMS page.
Instructions to fix the accessibility final check critical problem Images must have alternate text.
Instructions to fix the accessibility final check problem ids used in ARIA and labels must be Unique.
Instructions to fix the accessibility final check problem id attribute value must be unique.
Information about not being able to publish pages in Omni CMS.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check serious problem: data or header cells must not be used to give caption to a data table.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check serious problem: table cells that use the headers attribute must only refer to cells in the same table.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check moderate problems: landmark should not be contained in another landmark.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check moderate or critical problem: scope attribute should be used correctly.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check critical problem: <video> elements must have captions.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check serious problem: Styled <p> elements must not be used as headings.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check moderate problem: Page should contain a level-one heading
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check minor problem: headings should not be empty.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check moderate problem: ensures landmarks are unique.
Instructions how to fix the accessibility final check minor problem: Alternative text of images should not be repeated as text