Categories (2)

Editing Pages

Articles about creating and editing pages.

Uploading Content

Articles about uploading files through OU Campus.

Articles (26)

Adding/Remove Rights to Edit a Page

Instructions for a Main Site Contact on giving someone rights to edit a Modern Campus CMS page.

Changing Main Site Contact

Information on how to change the Main Site Contact of a Modern Campus CMS page.

Checking In/Checking Out a Page

Instructions on how to check out and check in pages in Modern Campus CMS.

Creating a Header Include

Instructions for creating a header include in Modern Campus CMS.

Creating a New Page in Omni CMS

Instructions for creating a new page in Modern Campus CMS.

Creating a Sandbox Site

Information regarding creating a sandbox Modern Campus CMS site.

Creating Nested (Dropdown) Navigation Links

Instructions on creating nested (dropdown) navigation links in Modern Campus CMS.

Creating Pages Without an Extension in the URL

Instructions for creating pages in Modern Campus CMS without an extension in the URL.

Deleting a File in Modern Campus CMS

Instructions on deleting a file within Modern Campus CMS.

Deleting a Site

Instructions on requesting a website to be deleted through Modern Campus CMS.

Deleting Folder from Production

Instructions on how to delete a folder in Modern Campus CMS from the production server.

Editing a Page

Instructions for updating a page in Modern Campus CMS.

Editing a Top Navigation Menu

Instructions for editing the links for a site's Top Navigation menu in Modern Campus CMS.

Finding Broken Pages

Directions to find broken links on pages in Modern Campus CMS.

Finding the Main Site Contact

Instructions on finding out who the Main Site Contact of a Modern Campus CMS website.

Recovering a Deleted Folder

Information about recovering a deleted folder in Modern Campus CMS.

Redirecting Pages

Instructions for redirecting a page you manage in Modern Campus CMS to another page or website.

Removing a File from Production

Instructions for deleting a file from production but still housing it in Modern Campus CMS.

Renaming a Page

Instructions on how to rename a page in Modern Campus CMS.

Reporting Incorrect Information on a WKU Website

Instructions on where to report incorrect information found on a WKU website.

Requesting a New Site

Instructions on requesting a new website through Modern Campus CMS.

Restoring a Recycled (Deleted) File

Instructions to restore a file previously moved to the Recycle Bin within Modern Campus CMS.

Searching WKU Pages for Keywords

Instructions for searching WKU sites within Modern Campus CMS.

Setting a Page to Expire

Instructions on how to set a Modern Campus CMS page to expire.

Spacing Hyperlinks

Instructions for creating spaces in hyperlinks within Modern Campus CMS.

Turning On or Off Page Content Regions

Instructions on how to turn on or off specific content regions or elements of a page, such as the left or right column, or slider region.