Redirecting Pages


How can I create a WKU URL that redirects to another page?


 Note: Pages created before January 26, 2016 will need to have the Buffer Output property added by a WKU Webmaster. Please contact the ITS Service Desk to get the property added to an existing page that currently does not have it.
  1. Log into the page you want redirected.
     Note: To access and edit a redirect page after it has been published, navigate to any other WKU page and click the Last Modified link to login to Omni CMS. You may be presented with an access denied error, this can be ignored. From the top blue navigation bar, select Content > Pages. Then select the blue Home icon at the top of the file/folder listing to switch to the root folder. Find the appropriate site in the listing and click its name, then navigate to the appropriate page responsible for the redirect and edit it in the normal manner.
  2. Click (Check Out) to check out the page.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Set Buffer Output to On.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Click Edit Content Area.
  8. Click the Source Code button in the WYSIWYG editor.
  9. Enter the following line of code, replacing the URL listed with the URL you would like to redirect to: 
    <?php header ("Location:"); ?>
     Note: If this redirect will be permanent, make sure to add TRUE, 301 in the following format for Search Engine Optimization purposes: 
    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); 


Article ID: 1416
Wed 4/29/15 8:55 AM
Fri 10/22/21 4:22 PM

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