Do you need to submit your new employee information?
Please enter first name.
Please enter your WKU ID.
Please enter a start date.
Please enter your area code and phone number.
Please enter your area code and phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx).
Please select the appropriate legal sex designation.
Please select gender designation.
Please select the appropriate personal pronouns.
Please enter date of birth.
Please select all applicable racial / ethnic categories.
Please indicate the first and last name of the emergency contact.
Please indicate relationship to the emergency contact.
Please indicate an area code and phone number for the emergency contact (ex., xxx-xxx-xxxx).
The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.
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To submit multiple documents, click Browse beneath Attachment, press and hold CTRL key, select your files, click Open, and click Submit.
Alternately, after clicking Submit, click View the request you just created. Then, click Add Attachments to add more documents to the same request.
Please do not submit multiple requests.


File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code