Changing Voicemail Message


How do I change my voicemail message?


Calling from On-Campus

  1. Call 5-5555
  2. Enter your PIN, then press # (pound).
  3. Press 4 for setup options.
  4. Press 1 to change greeting.
  5. You will be walked through the process of customizing your greeting. Be sure to listen to options to determine which greeting is currently active.

Calling from Off-Campus

  1. Call 270-745-5555
  2. Press * (start).
  3. When prompted for user ID enter your 5-digit extension followed by # (pound).
  4. Enter your PIN followed by # (pound).
  5. Press 4 for setup options.
  6. Press 1 to change greeting.
  7. You will be walked through the process of customizing your greeting. Be sure to listen to options to determine which greeting is currently active.
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Article ID: 178
Wed 6/11/14 9:48 AM
Mon 10/30/23 1:13 PM

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