Changing Access Permission of an Asset


Instructions on changing permissions of an asset in Omni CMS.



How do I change who has access to an asset?


  • Omni CMS


  1. Login to Omni CMS.
  2. Using the top navigation bar on the page, hover over  Content and click  Assets.
    Note: This may take some time to load, please be patient.
  3. Locate the asset for which you are wanting to edit permissions.
    Note: You can use the text box above the list to filter and find a specific asset.
  4. Once you have found the desired asset in the list, hover over its row in the list and an  Edit option will become available.
  5. While hovering over  Edit, click Access.
  6. A new Access Settings dialog should appear.
  7. Select the desired groups for Access Group and/or Available To from their corresponding drop-down boxes.
    • Access Group - this group will have permission to modify the asset
    • Available To - this group will have permission to use the asset on their pages. Set this to Everyone for anyone to be allowed to use it.
  8. When done, click Save.



Article ID: 1945
Thu 1/14/16 10:09 AM
Fri 3/26/21 6:22 PM

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