I have Respondus installed on my computer. How do I configure it so that it will work with Blackboard?
Server settings will need to be configured and/or updated for Respondus to connect to WKU Blackboard following the change to Microsoft Azure SSO authentication as there are different protocols required.
You will need to log into Blackboard and click the Continue After Login button each time you wish to use Respondus in order to connect to your courses, as outlined below. You will only have to set up the new server settings once; after that they should be remembered, but the login process must occur each time you use Respondus. This connection can take a few moments, please be patient.
- Open Respondus after it has been installed.
- Open a function, such as the Retrieve Questions Wizard, or whichever function you need to use.
- When asked to connect, select the dropdown menu for Blackboard Server: and select - add new server -.
Note: If you previously used Respondus, you must select to create a new server.
- Select the radio button Yes, check for preconfigured server settings.
- Click Next.
- From the dropdown, select Blackboard at WKU.
- Click OK.
- Fill in the information as requested in the connection wizard.
Note: You will not be able to save your username and password, even if you try and select the option to save them.
- Select the radio button to select Skip the connection test.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish to acknowledge that the new server settings have been added or updated and to continue with the task you selected above.
- Click Next on the screen that appears with the configured server information.
- Click OK on the popup window that appears to being the login process.
- Log into Blackboard as your normally would in the new Respondus window that appears by entering in your email address and password as well as completing multi-factor authentication when prompted.
Note: If you select to have your account remembered for 60 days via Microsoft MFA or the option to stay signed in these settings will not be remembered. You must sign into Blackboard using MFA each time you wish to use Respondus.
- Once you see your courses listed and you are signed into Blackboard, click the Continue After Login button in the upper-right corner.
- Click the OK button to state that you have signed into Blackboard.
- You will be taken back to the connection wizard window, and once the connection is complete, you will automatically be taken to the next screen. Please be patient as this connection takes up to 20 seconds to complete.
Note: If you are not patient and attempt to navigate away from the connection process you may cause errors with using and accessing the Respondus software.
- You should be shown the options for the Respondus function you selected above; complete the work with Respondus as needed.