Computer Ordering in TopShop


How do I order a computer with WKU funds?


Reminder: Computers are asset-tagged regardless of price and must always be ordered through the TopShop requisition/PO process.

Computers are NOT approved as Pcard Purchases

If you are purchasing a computer using Foundation funds, the computer must still meet IT standards to be supported and to utilize university resources (e.g. software).

Note: If you would like a custom quote made for you, please contact the Apple or Dell Sales representatives, listed in their respective More Info buttons on , contact the ITS Service Desk or submit a service request.

All Employees

  1. Log into TopShop.
  2. Locate either Apple, Inc. or Dell Marketing L.P..
  3. Click Catalogs.
  4. Click Visit Supplier.
  5. Review the available models and customize the configurations as needed:
    Note: The configurations must meet the standards detailed on
    • For Dells:
      1. Click the models Name.
      2. Click Customize & Buy.
      3. Configure the computer as needed.
    • For Macs:
      1. Hover over Mac in the top-left corner of the window and select the desired model.
      2. Filter the model's choice by hardware specifications in the left column.
      3. From the remaining choices, click Configure.
      4. Configure the computer as needed. 
  6. Once customized as needed, add the device(s) to your cart:
    • ​​​​​​For Dells:
      1. Click Add to Cart.
      2. Click Cart in the top-right corner of the window.
      3. Click Create Order Requisition.
      4. Click Continue Securely.
      5. Click Submit Order Requisition. You will return to TopShop.
    • For Macs:
    1. Click Add to Cart.
    2. Add AppleCare+.
      Note: AppleCare+ must be added to all devices. For all MacBook models, ITS recommends choosing either of the "no service fees" plans.
    3. Click Send Proposal.
    4. Click Submit.
    5. Click Continue. You will return to TopShop.
  7. Upon returning to TopShop, access your cart, if not already there, by clicking (Cart) in the top right corner of the window.
  8. Check-mark the products added from the Order Requisition/Proposal.
  9. Click Checkout.
All computer purchases must be entered by an area’s authorized purchaser (often an office associate/coordinator/etc). If you are not authorized, you can reassign the requisition to your area's purchaser:
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. Click Reassign.
  3. If My Orgunits Only is check-marked, click to un-check it.
  4. In the Assign To field, enter the name or NetID of your area's Authorized Purchaser.
  5. Click OK. The selected person will receive an email to complete the purchase.

Authorized Purchaser

  1. Access the Checkout page, from either the  (Cart), as detailed above, or  (Tasks > Incomplete Requisitions) if a purchase was reassigned to you. 
  2. Set Bill To as TopShop Accounts Payable.
  3. Set Ship To as (211) Tech Support Serv-Endpoint Services
  4. Under the Product section:
    • For the computer(s) listed:
    1. Set COAS as W - WKU.
    2. INDEX as your area’s Banner index number.
    3. COMMODITY as either 250510 for Laptops or 250520 for Desktops.
    4. For Macs, AppleCare+ warranty(ies) are listed separately. The COMMODITY should be set as 250020 (Computers - Service Maintenance).
  5. Under the Justification section, select Yes when asked if the transaction includes software or computer(s) for employees/classroom, and enter the Name(s) and/or Location(s) that will be associated with the computer(s).
  6. Click Checkout to initiate the approval process.
  7. Once approved, Dell/Apple will process the order, and ship the machine(s) once ready to ITS. TSS will then prepare the computer(s) for use and will notify you when ready.
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Article ID: 4095
Wed 10/25/23 2:22 PM
Fri 12/15/23 1:32 PM