I cannot be heard through my built-in microphone in a Zoom meeting.
- If you have not already, test your video to confirm that the correct microphone is selected and adjust your audio settings.
- Make sure your mic is not muted.
- If your microphone is not found, please reboot your computer to ensure that all audio drivers have been started.
- In the bottom toolbar, click the arrow next to the audio icon.
- Click Audio Settings.
- Under the microphone volume, uncheck Automatically adjust volume.
- Raise the microphone volume using the blue volume bar.
- Close the settings window.
Note: If you are on Mac OS 10.14 Mojave and are still having difficulty hearing your built-in mic, check your operating system permissions to confirm that Zoom has access to the mic.
Note: If you are using Windows and are still having difficulty hearing your built-in mic, Windows 10 has a privacy feature that may block Zoom from using the mic. Learn more about this feature and how to allow Zoom access to your mic.