Submitting Leave Report


How do submit a leave report on TopNet?


This article is provided as courtesy information. WKU ITS does not have any involvement with timekeeping or time records at WKU. All timekeeping and related questions should be taken to WKU Human Resources
  1. Log into TopNet.
  2. Click on Employee Services.
  3. Click on Leave Report.
  4. From the Leave Report Selection page, select the desired pay period from the drop down box and click the Leave Report button.
  5. Click a link Enter Hours for the appropriate earnings code and date for which you want to enter time.
  6. The leave report will reappear with additional information.  Enter your hours in the top area of the window in the gray box marked HOURS
    Note: Enter the hours worked in the nearest quarter hour such as 4.25, 4.5, 4.75 or 5.0.
  7. Click the Save button or Copy button.
    1. By clicking Save, the hours entered are saved for that date only.
    2. By clicking Copy, you have the option of copying the same hours to other dates.
      1. Check the box ‘Copy from date displayed to end of the pay period’ if you want to copy the same hours from the date displayed for the rest of the pay period. Note: By clicking the check box beside ‘Include Saturday’ or ‘Include Sunday’, those days will be included in the copy.
    3. By clicking Copy, you have the option to click on each of the dates you want to copy to.
    4. Click the Copy button to copy the hours to the leave report.
  8. Click on the Leave Report button to return to the Leave Report Page repeat steps 5-7 for any other earnings codes.  
    1. To get to the other days in the pay period, click the Next or Previous button(s).
    2. To re-initialize the leave report, which zeroes out all hours entered, click the Restart button.
    3. To see all time entered for the pay period, click the Preview button.  
    4. To enter comments, click the Comments button.
    5. To submit the leave report for approval, click the Submit for Approval button.
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Article ID: 1348
Tue 4/14/15 9:41 AM
Fri 2/5/21 12:39 PM