Search17 Results

Instructions for requesting student access to past courses that are outside of a normal course term.
Information about obtaining assistance with Mediasite.
Information about hosting Zoom webinars.
Instructions on how to request a WKU site.
Information about the size limit of Blackboard courses and organizations.
Information about requesting CPD Blackboard Course Sites.
Instructions for requesting accessibility software.
Information about requesting a new phone or fax line to be activated for an area or new employee.
Information for Faculty/Staff about getting peripheral hardware (e.g., monitor, mouse, keyboard, cables) from Desktop Support for free.
Information about requesting access to WKU lab printers outside normal semester timelines.
Instructions for requesting a configuration refresh in Cisco Jabber.
Information on requesting an ethernet cable for use in a WKU office.
Information for employees on how to request Banner, InfoView, and TopNet accounts and/or training for these systems.
Instructions on submitting a project request to Information Technology Services.
Instructions for reporting a problem with WKU email accounts.