Creating a Form Asset


Instructions for creating a form on a WKU page through Web CMS.



How do I create a form for my site?


Your asset will be available for use on pages after completing these steps, but must be published before it appears on any live web pages. 
  1. Navigate to Content Assets.
  2.  Click  New.
  3. Click Form.
  4. Type an asset name.
    Note: It is recommended that assets be named your site name, underscore, and the form name (ex. yoursitename_form_name).
  5. Set access settings to your site group, (ex. aab_yoursitename).
  6. In the Form Elements toolbar, click elements or drag the elements to the main window to build your form.
    Note: Available Elements can be seen here
  7. Configure one or more optional email messages. When a form is completed, it can email the submission results to one or more people. For instructions on emailing forms, please see this article
  8. Configure success and failure messages for form submissions. While you can format the text using the mini-WYSIWYG editors, the appearance of the messages is also defined by your site styling.
  9. Check Save Results in Database to record form submissions.
    Note: If this is unchecked and there are no emails configured, form submissions cannot be viewed.
  10. Check Include CAPTCHA to prevent spam submissions.
  11. Use the optional Submission Button Text field to customize the submission button text.
  12. Click Create to make the asset.



Article ID: 1239
Wed 3/18/15 4:00 PM
Thu 12/5/24 10:51 AM

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