Making a Carousel Gallery (Slider)


How do I create a carousel style or slider gallery?


  • Web CMS


The slider.pcf file is no longer used in the new templates. To add a slider gallery to your page, you must now create an image gallery asset and add it to your page. 


  1. In Web CMS select Content and click Assets from the navigation bar. 
  2. Click New, select Image Gallery.
  3. Fill out required fields to create asset, click Create.
    Note: Be sure to set the appropriate Access Group and Available To when creating an asset. 
  4. Once the Image Gallery asset is created modifications can be made and images can be added.
  5. Configure the Gallery Options
    • Crop images to have the same height.
      Note: Read more about image sizing at the Web CMS Example Site Carousel Galleries page.
    • For a Carousel Gallery in the Advanced section insert:
    • style=carousel; 
  6. Add images by dragging images or select Upload Images. Each image that you upload will have the following items:
    • Title: The displayed name of the image in carousel view. 
    • Description: The text that will display over the image in carousel view.
    • Caption: The description that will display when a user hovers on an image. 
      • Note: While captions aren't required to save your gallery, they are required for Final Check Accessibility scan. This field is used for the images alternative description. 
    • Link: The URL to open when clicking on the image. 
  7. Click Save.
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