Search18 Results
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Add-Ons
- Staff
Instructions on uploading a Staff Directory profile photo in Web CMS.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Add-Ons
- Staff
Instructions for replacing a staff profile photo with the WKU logo in Add-Ons.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Add-Ons
- News
Instructions for inserting pictures into Web CMS news articles.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
Instrcutions for resolving an invalid filename error message in Web CMS.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Directories / Pages
- Uploading Content
Information on where to view uploaded files in Web CMS.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Images, Galleries, Sliders
Instructions for creating a grid gallery asset in Web CMS.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Images, Galleries, Sliders
Instructions for adding a slider (carousel image gallery) to the top of a page above the page's title and content in the new Site Template.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Modern Campus CMS
- Assets
Information on creating a form that would allow a submission to include files, such as images, PDFs, Word Documents, etc.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Programs
- Microsoft 365
- Microsoft 365 (Windows)
Instructions for saving an image embedded in an email.
- Knowledge Base
- Computer, Devices, & Printers
- Operating System
- macOS
Instruction for removing the WKU branded wallpaper and setting a personalized background on Macs.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Blackboard
- Assessments
Instructions for adding images to test answers in Blackboard.
- Knowledge Base
- ITS Services & Resources
- Unsupported Systems
Instructions for cropping an image in Microsoft Paint.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Blackboard
- Assessments
Information regarding problems when uploading pictures to tests.
- Knowledge Base
- WKU Systems
- Mediasite
Information about capturing a single frame of a Mediasite presentation.
- Knowledge Base
- Software & Programs
- Web Browsers
Instructions for saving images from a web page.