Search18 Results

Instructions on uploading a Staff Directory profile photo in Web CMS.
Instructions for replacing a staff profile photo with the WKU logo in Add-Ons.
Instructions for inserting pictures into Web CMS news articles.
Instrcutions for resolving an invalid filename error message in Web CMS.
Information on where to view uploaded files in Web CMS.
Instructions for creating a grid gallery asset in Web CMS.
Instructions for adding a slider (carousel image gallery) to the top of a page above the page's title and content in the new Site Template.
Information on creating a form that would allow a submission to include files, such as images, PDFs, Word Documents, etc.
Instructions for saving an image embedded in an email.
Instruction for removing the WKU branded wallpaper and setting a personalized background on Macs.
Instructions for adding images to test answers in Blackboard.
Instructions for cropping an image in Microsoft Paint.
Information regarding problems when uploading pictures to tests.
Information about capturing a single frame of a Mediasite presentation.
Instructions for saving images from a web page.