Elements Missing When Editing/Previewing LDP Form Asset


When trying to preview or edit a form asset, some or all elements are missing from the Form Elements pane, and some actions/buttons seem unresponsive.


  • Web CMS


  1. Log into Web CMS. 
  2. From the blue top menu, hover over Content and select Assets.
  3. Find the form asset needing to be repaired (you can use the Filter box to quickly find the desired asset). 
  4. Check-in the form asset by clicking the light bulb icon (  ) in the Status column, associated with the form asset's entry in the list.
    1. If the light bulb is filled-in and yellow, it is checked-out to you; you do NOT need to click the icon again.
    2. If you see a red lock icon (  ), someone else has the asset checked-out; you will need to have them check it back in before continuing.
  5. Once the asset has been checked-out as you, hover over its entry in the asset list to show more actions.
  6. Hover over Edit and select Properties.
  7. At the bottom of the General Properties pane, click the blue Save button.
  8. The asset should now be repaired and you can edit it as usual.
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