Articles (13)

Adding a Blog Feed

Instructions on adding a feed from a WKU Wordpress Blog to a page.

Adding an Asset to a Page

Instructions for adding an asset (reusable content, galleries, & forms) to a page in Web CMS.

Changes to a Form Not Saving

Information on why changes to a form asset are not saving when publishing the updated version.

Changing Access Permission of an Asset

Instructions on changing permissions of an asset in Web CMS.

Creating a Form Asset

Instructions for creating a form on a WKU page through Web CMS.

Creating Forms that Allow File Uploads

Information on creating a form that would allow a submission to include files, such as images, PDFs, Word Documents, etc.

Deleting an Asset

Instructions for deleting an asset in Web CMS that is no longer required.

Download Form Submissions

Instructions for downloading form submissions to be viewed as a spreadsheet through Web CMS.

Elements Missing When Editing/Previewing LDP Form Asset

Instructions on what to do when previewing or editing a form asset, some or all elements are missing from the Form Elements pane; some actions/buttons seem unresponsive within Web CMS.

Emailing Submitted Forms

Instructions for forms emailing submissions within Web CMS.

Finding Subscribers of an Asset

Instructions on determining what pages are linked to an asset (subscribers) in Web CMS.

Including CAPTCHA in Modern Campus CMS

Instructions for including a CAPTCHA in Web CMS.

Reverting to Older Version of an Asset

Instructions for reverting to an older version of an asset in Web CMS.