Requiring Test to be Taken with LockDown Browser


How do I require a test to be taken with the LockDown Browser?


  • Blackboard


  1. Create a test as normal.
  2. Expand the course's Control Panel.
  3. Expand Course Tools.
  4. Click Respondus LockDown Browser.
  5. Click the menu next to the desired test.
  6. Select Modify Settings.
  7. Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.
  8. Change any settings required, like enabling Respondus Monitor (proctoring) for the test. 
  9. Click Save and Close.
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Article ID: 1962
Thu 1/28/16 3:15 PM
Thu 6/16/22 10:43 AM

Related Articles (2)

Instructions for instructors on creating a test in Blackboard.
Instructions for turning off Lockdown Browser so it is not required for taking an exam.