Printing to a Departmental Printer While Off Campus


Information on printing to a departmental printer while off campus.



How do I print to a network printer that my department uses while I'm off campus?


The following information cannot be utilized on personally-owned devices.

Printing to a departmental printer is possible as long as the following criteria are met:

  • The device is WKU-Owned computer configured by WKU ITS.
  • The user has been given proper active directory rights to print to the needed printer.
  • The device is connected to the WKU VPN via Cisco Secure Client.

If a device or user does not meet the criteria, then the related articles attached below can be utilized to prepare the device to print while off-campus.



Article ID: 4106
Thu 1/4/24 3:15 PM
Mon 1/8/24 10:31 AM

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Instructions for adding a MPS printer to Mac computers.
Instructions for adding a network printer to Windows machines.
Instructions for setting up Cisco Secure Client VPN in macOS.
Instructions for setting up Cisco Secure Client VPN in Windows.
Information on how to get someone added to an Active Directory group.