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Instructions for signing a PDF file with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Instructions on how to change default PDF document opening behavior within web browsers.
Instructions for re-obtaining the Microsoft Print to PDF printer option in Windows.
Instructions on how to print Microsoft 365 and PDF documents in color within Student Technology Centers from web-based resources, such as Microsoft 365 for Web.
Instructions for what to do when encountering error 1310 when installing Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions for correcting the error Installation Problem: IMS lib not found when opening Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions and information regarding error 28000 when opening Adobe Acrobat.
Instructions on how to resolve a permissions issue when opening .PDFs on a Mac.
Instructions on how to enable the Adobe PDF plugin to restore the missing toolbar button.
Information for resolving an issue printing a specific document.
Instructions for printing PDFs to an MPS printer using Google Chrome or Adobe Reader/Acrobat on a macOS computer.
Instructions for Instructors on how to attach file to an item in their course site.
Instructions on how to save an InDesign project as a PDF file.
Information and instructions regarding Adobe Reader not having the option to select Save As when working with a document.
Information about Adobe Reader displaying the following error: Fatal Error: Acrobat failed to connect to the DDE server.