Moving Members to Another Group


How do I move a student to a different Blackboard group?


  • Blackboard


As students add/drop a course, instructors may wish to move students to another group to rebalance the memberships.


  1. Click Groups from the Users and Groups section of your course Control Panel.
  2. Click the  options menu next to the name of the group you would like to remove users from.
  3. Click Edit Group.
  4. Scroll down to the Membership section.
  5. Click the  next to the students you would like to remove from the group.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click the  options menu next to the name of the group you would like to add users to.
  8. Click Edit Group.
  9. Scroll down to the Membership section.
  10. Click the Add Users button.
  11. Check the box next to the students you would like to add to the group.
  12. Click Submit.
  13. Review the membership list, and then click Submit.
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Article ID: 2631
Fri 3/24/17 10:50 AM
Fri 2/19/21 8:34 AM

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