When I run a Page Check I get the following Minor Problem:
<object> elements must have alternate text
Modern Campus CMS Final Checks evaluate all code on a page and detect accessibility issues not meeting WCAG 2.0 (Level AA) standards.
It detected the page contains an embedded content object element. These are commonly used to embed webpage elements such as Flash and Java items handled by browser plugins. Screen readers cannot translate non-text content into text announced to users. Instead, they read out alternate text.
Flash or Java items previously embedded as an object are unsupported in Modern Campus CMS. Please remove the object (identified in the source code of the error) and determine a supported replacement.
- Click Yellow Light Bulb to check out page.
- Click Edit tab.
- Click Edit button on the content area where the styles are located.
- Click on object identified in Source Code portion of error.
Note: This appears like an embedded video, a gray box with a Play icon.
- Press Delete or Backspace to remove it.
- Save page.
- Click Publish button to run accessibility final check again. When the issue is resolved it will no longer display in the accessibility check.
For potential replacements for the unsupported object content, please visit our Modern Campus CMS support site: