Encrypting and Decrypting with FileVault


How do I encrypt or decrypt my macOS hard drive using FileVault?


  • macOS



  1. Click the  Apple in the top left corner.
  2. Click System Preferences.
  3. Click Security & Privacy.
  4. Click FileVault.
  5. Click the  lock in the left corner and enter an administrator name and password.
  6. Click Turn On FileVault...
  7. You will eventually be prompted to reboot to complete the encryption process.
     Note: If the machine has more than one user, you will need to know the password of every user's account to enable encryption.


  1. Power on the machine and navigate to the desktop.
  2. Click the  Apple in the top left corner.
  3. Click System Preferences.
  4. Click Security & Privacy.
  5. Click the  Lock in the left corner and enter an administrator name and password.
  6. Click Turn Off FileVault...
  7. Restart your Mac. FileVault will open after restarting and show the decryption progress. The process can take up to several hours.
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Article ID: 2302
Wed 8/31/16 11:23 AM
Wed 7/29/20 11:57 AM