Changing Assessment Point Value


How do I change the total point value of a quiz or test, after the assessment has already been completed?


  • Blackboard


  1. Click on the Grade Center.
  2. Find the column for the assessment.
  3. Click the drop down arrow next to the assessment name.
  4. Select Edit Test.
  5. Change the point value(s), as necessary:
    1. Change a group of questions with the same values
      1. Click the checkbox for each question you want to change
      2. In the Points field, enter the new value for the selected questions
      3. Click Update and Regrade button
    2. Change a single question's points:
      1. Click the Points field at the far right of the question
      2. Click the Update Points field in the popup window
      3. Enter the new value
      4. Click Submit and Regrade button
  6. Click OK.
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Article ID: 2440
Mon 11/28/16 7:33 AM
Fri 2/19/21 10:48 AM