Search72 Results

Information regarding creating a sandbox Web CMS site.
Instructions for configuring Respondus to interact with WKU Blackboard.
Instructions for instructors on creating a test in Blackboard.
Instructions for Instructors on accessing the feedback options available for an assessment in Blackboard.
Information regarding what to do if assignments are missing after using Course Copy.
Information about what to do if your tests/quizzes are missing after performing a course copy on Blackboard.
Instructions for downloading and installing the Respondus Lockdown Browser.
Information about using Respondus with Blackboard Ultra courses.
Instructions for creating a copy of a test in Blackboard Original View courses.
Information regarding retaking the math placement exam.
Instructions for making an exam in Blackboard Ultra worth extra credit points rather than standard grading for a course.
Instructions for students on viewing feedback on a graded assignment/assessment in Blackboard.
Instructions for changing the Assessment results timing for the test.
Instructions for setting release conditions for content in Blackboard Ultra Course view.